How to Enable Sender SMTP Settings

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A Sender is the email address messages will be delivered from. You will be required to set up Senders with SMTP settings from a provider of your choice. If you do not currently own your SMTP, you can review our article on recommended providers here.

  1. From the e-marketing tab, click Setup Senders.SetupNewSender.png

  2. Do either of the following:
    • To edit an existing list, go to the Existing Email Senders section and click the pencil-alt-solid.png icon for the sender you want to edit. Edit the content as required.
    • To create a new sender list, enter the content as required (see below).
  3. Go to the SMTP Server Settings section and enter the appropriate information where indicated.
    You should find these with your SMTP Relay provider. Enter the SMTP Host address (Ex., Port (check with your provider for the correct Port number) and SMTP username and password. Then select to use SSL or TSL protocol; you will likely use TLS (but check with your SMTP provider for the correct option).

  4. Before saving this sender, click the Test SMTP Settings button to ensure your SMTP settings are working. When finished, click Save Sender found at the bottom left of the page (see below).Save_Sender_at_Botttom.png

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