System Tags

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The following tags are available for the Business Loans File Type.

Tags (AKA: Replaceables, Merge Fields, etc.) are used to automatically populate information from the CRM into Email and Document Templates. Below is a list of the commonly used Tags available as well as their description.

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Advance Tags

{ADVANCE_ID} Unique Deal ID number
{ADVANCE_BALANCE} Advance/Deal Account Balance - Amount the Merchant has left to pay to Lender/Funder
{ADVANCE_AMOUNT} Advance/Deal Amount - Amount the Merchant is asking to Borrower from Lender/Funder
{ADVANCE_PAYBACK} Payback Amount - Amount Merchant is required to payback to Lender/Funder
{ADVANCE_RATE} The factor rate of the deal.
{ADVANCE_BUY_RATE} Rate given to the broker by the Lender
{ADVANCE_PERIOD} Repayment Period - Time Merchant has to pay back loan
{ADVANCE_HOLDBACK} Advance/Deal Remittance
{ADVANCE_PAYMENT} Payment - Single Payment the Merchant is required to pay back (Daily,
{ADVANCE_CONFNUM} Advance/Deal Wire/Conf # (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCE_FREQ} Frequency of the payback payment on the Advance/Deal (Days, Weeks, Months)
{ADVANCE_FREQLY} Frequency of the payback payment on the Advance/Deal (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
{ADVANCE_LIEN_POS} Lien Position - Priority in which Lender/Funder gets paid back by the Merchant
{ADVANCE_PROGRAM} Program selected on the Advance/Deal
{ADVANCE_TYPE} This will output ACH or CC based on the selected "Repayment Method" on the advance.
{ADVANCE_RETURNS} Number of returned transactions on an advance.
{ADVANCE_CONTRACT_DATE} Deal Contract Date  (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCE_CONTRACT_NUM} Deal Contract #  (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCE_FUNDING_DATE} Deal Funding Date  (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCE_CONF_NUM} Advance/Deal Wire/Conf # (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCE_ADV_HISTORY} Advance History / Comments (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_AVGDAILY} Average Daily (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_DAYSNEG} Average # Days Negative (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_DEPOSITS} Average # Deposits (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_ENDING} Average Ending Balance (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_NSFS} Average # NSFs (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_AVG_NUMDEPOSITS} Average # Deposits (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)

Average Withdrawals (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)

{ADVANCE_BANK_STATEMENTS} Chart of Bank Statements on Advance
{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_AVGDAILY} Grand Total Average Daily (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)

Grand Total # Days Negative (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)

{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_DEPOSITS} Grand Total, Total Deposits (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_ENDING} Grand Total Ending Balance (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_NSFS} Grand Total # NFS’s (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_NUMDEPOSITS} Grand Total # Deposits (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_BANK_TOTAL_WITHDRAWALS} Grand Total Withdrawals (Financials - Bank Statements - 2nd chart)
{ADVANCE_ISSUES} Major Issues (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_AMEX} Average $ Amex (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_BATCHES} Average # of Batches (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_CHARGEBACK} Average $ Chargeback Volume (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_NUMTRANS} Average # of Transactions (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_VISAMCDISC} Average $ Visa/MC/Disc (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_AVG_VOLUME} Average Total Volume (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_AMEX} Total $ Amex (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_BATCHES} Total # of Batches (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_CHARGEBACK} Total $ Chargeback Volume (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_NUMTRANS} Total # of Transactions (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_VISAMCDISC} Total $ Visa/MC/Disc (Financials - Merchant Processing Statements)
{ADVANCE_MS_TOTAL_VOLUME} Total Volume (Financials - Merchant
{ADVANCE_PROCESSOR} Name entered in Merchant Processing Statements section (Financials)
{ADVANCE_REQ_INFO} Required Paperwork & Information (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCE_TAX_LIENS} Tax Liens / Judgements (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCE_UCC_POSITION} UCC Position (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCE_UW_OPINION} Underwriters Opinion (Underwriter Notes)
{ADVANCEFEES_ORIGINATION_FEE} Origination Fee (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCEFEES_PROGRAM_FEE} Program Fee (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCEFEES_WIRE_FEE} Wire Fee (Funding Info - Funding Details)
{ADVANCEFEES_OTHER_FEE} Other Fee (Funding Info - Funding Details)


Advance Assignment Tags
Note: The Tag format is {ADVANCEASSIGN_XXX} where "XXX" is the assignment type  
{ADVANCEASSIGN_BROKER} Assigned Broker on Deal/Advance
{ADVANCEASSIGN_FUNDER} Assigned Funder on Deal/Advance
{ADVANCEASSIGN_CLOSER} Assigned Closer on Deal/Advance


Advance Custom Field Data Tag:

The naming convention for TAGS for custom fields on Advances is {ADVANCECF_FIELD_NAME}. Example: If the field name is 'Other Fee Text' then the tag will be {ADVANCECF_OTHER_FEE_TEXT}.

Advance Condition Trigger Tags
These tags will populate when used on Advance Condition triggers for Approved, Created, Declined, Deleted.  
{ADVANCE_AMOUNT} Advance/Deal Amount - Amount the Merchant is asking to Borrower from Lender/Funder
{ADVANCE_PAYBACK} Payback Amount - Amount Merchant is required to payback to Lender/Funder
{ADVANCE_FACTOR} Factor Rate of the Deal - “Interest” Rate given to the Merchant by the Lender/Funder (Email Triggers)
{ADVANCE_PERIOD} Repayment Period - Time Merchant has to pay back loan
{ADVANCE_FREQUENCY} Frequency of the payback payment on the Advance/Deal (Days, Weeks, Months) Email Triggers)
{ADVANCE_COND_TYPE} Give the “Type” of Condition that is being triggered (Email triggers)
{ADVANCE_COND_NAME} Gives the “Name” of the Condition that is being triggered (Email Triggers)


Advance Condition Tags
These tags will populate the name of the conditions that are in the respective condition statuses. These tags will display on documents and email templates.  
{ADVANCE_COND_OPEN} A list of Open Conditions on an Advance
{ADVANCE_COND_PENDING} A list of Pending Conditions on an Advance
{ADVANCE_COND_DECLINED} A list of Declined Conditions on an Advance
{ADVANCE_COND_APPROVED} A list of Approved Conditions on an Advance


Lender Submission Information
Note: These tags will only function/populate in Advance email triggers
{LENDER_NAMES} Populates a list of the lender names that have been submitted.
{LENDER_EMAILS} Populates a list of the lender emails that have been submitted.
{LENDER_DOCS} Populates a list of the lender documents that have been submitted. 


Advance Submission
Note: These tags will only function/populate in Advance Submit status change email triggers
{ADVANCE_SUBMISSION_LENDER_NAME} Populates the name of the Lender


Please Note: "{LOAN_}" tags are no longer supported, although in many cases they may still function.

Contact Tags

{EMAIL} Business Email Address
{EMAIL2} Personal Email Address
{PHONE2} Business Phone Number


Assigned User Information (populates information about a user assigned to a contact)
{ASSIGNED_TO} Assigned User's Full Name
{ASSIGNED_TO_USERNAME} Assigned User's Username
{ASSIGNED_TO_SIGNATURE} Assigned User's Email Signature
{ASSIGNED_TO_PHONE} Assigned User's Phone Number
{ASSIGNED_TO_EXT} Assigned User's Phone Number Extension
{ASSIGNED_TO_EMAIL} Populates the Assigned User's Email Address
{ASSIGNED_TO_FAX} Assigned User's Fax
{ASSUF1} Tag for Userfield 1 (Edit User Page)
{ASSUF2} Tag for Userfield 2 (Edit User Page)
{ASSUF3} Tag for Userfield 3 (Edit User Page)
{ASSUF4} Tag for Userfield 4 (Edit User Page)
{ASSUF5} Tag for Userfield 5 (Edit User Page)
{ASSUF6} Tag for Userfield 6 (Edit User Page)


Bank Account Information (Bank Account tab of the Client Dashboard)
{NAMEONACCT} Name of Account Holder
{BANKNAME} Name of Bank
{BANKADDRESS} Bank Address Information
{BANKCITY} Bank City
{BANKSTATE} Bank State
{BANKZIP} Bank Zip
{BANKPHONE} Bank Phone Number
{ACCTTYPE} Checking or Savings
{ACCOUNTNUM} Full Account Number
{ROUTINGNUM} Full Routing Number
{ACCOUNTNUM_ENC} Encrypted Account Number
{ROUTINGNUM_ENC} Encrypted Routing Number


Company Information
Used to populate information for the company the User generating the template is part of:
{USER_COMPANYNAME} User's Company Name
{USER_COMPANYADDRESS} User's Company Address
{USER_COMPANYADDRESS2} User's Company Address 2
{USER_COMPANYCITY} User's Company City
{USER_COMPANYSTATE} User's Company State
{USER_COMPANYZIP} User's Company Zip
{USER_COMPANYFULLADDRESS} User's Company Full Address (populated in a single string)
{USER_COMPANYPHONE} User's Company Phone
{USER_COMPANYPHONE2} User's Company Phone 2
{USER_COMPANYFAX} User's Company Fax
{USER_COMPANYEMAIL} User's Company Email
{USER_COMPANYCODE} User's Company Code
{USER_COMPANYDOMAIN} User's Company Domain
{USER_COMPANYADD1} User's Company Additional Field 1
{USER_COMPANYADD2} User's Company Additional Field 2
{USER_COMPANYADD3} User's Company Additional Field 3
{USER_COMPANYADD4} User's Company Additional Field 4
{USER_COMPANYADD5} User's Company Additional Field 5
{USER_COMPANYADD6} User's Company Additional Field 6
Used to populate the information for the company the contact is assigned to:
{CLIENT_COMPANYNAME} Assigned Company's Name
{CLIENT_COMPANYADDRESS} Assigned Company's Address
{CLIENT_COMPANYADDRESS2} Assigned Company's Address 2
{CLIENT_COMPANYCITY} Assigned Company's City
{CLIENT_COMPANYSTATE} Assigned Company's State
{CLIENT_COMPANYZIP} Assigned Company's Zip
{CLIENT_COMPANYPHONE} Assigned Company's Phone
{CLIENT_COMPANYPHONE2} Assigned Company's Phone 2
{CLIENT_COMPANYFAX} Assigned Company's Fax
{CLIENT_COMPANYEMAIL} Assigned Company's Email
{CLIENT_COMPANYCODE} Assigned Company's Code
{CLIENT_COMPANYDOMAIN} Assigned Company's Domain
{CLIENT_COMPANYADD1} Assigned Company's Additional Field 1
{CLIENT_COMPANYADD2} Assigned Company's Additional Field 2
{CLIENT_COMPANYADD3} Assigned Company's Additional Field 3
{CLIENT_ACCOUNTEXEC} Assigned Company's Additional Account Executive
Assigned Company's Logo


Company Userfield Tags
Userfield Tags 1-6 (Replace '1' with numbers 2-6 to populate the remaining fields. Ex. {USER_COMPANYADD2}, {USER_COMPANYADD2}...)
{USER_COMPANYADD1}  USER being the company the person that is generating the document
{USER_COMPANYADD1}  COMPANY being the company the contact record is assigned to


Consumer Credit Reporting Agency Challenge Tags  
Challenge tags create a table with columns for the creditor, acct number, challenge reason, and action requested.


Contact IDs
*For Co-Applicant add "CO" to the beginning of each. Ex. {COID}
{ID} Contact ID (Ex. XXX1234)
{CUSTOMERID} Contact ID with Account Prefix (Ex. ABC-XXX1234)
{EXTERNALID} Can be used to save an alternative ID for the contact.


Contact Information
*For Co-Applicant add "CO" to the beginning of each. Ex. {COFULLNAME}
{FULLNAME} Full Name
{FIRSTNAME} First Name
{LASTNAME} Last Name
{MIDDLENAME} Middle Name
{FIRSTMIDDLELAST} Full name including middle name
{COMPANY} Contact Company Name / Business Name
{BUSINESSNAME} Contact Company Name / Business Name
{TITLE} Title
{PHONE} Home Phone
{HOMEPHONE_AREA} Home Phone Area Code
{HOMEPHONE_PRE} Home Phone Prefix
{HOMEPHONE_SUFF} Home Phone Suffix
{PHONE2} Work Phone
{WORKPHONE_AREA} Work Phone Area Code
{WORKPHONE_PRE} Work Phone Prefix
{WORKPHONE_SUFF} Work Phone Suffix
{PHONE3} Full Cell Phone
{CELLPHONE_AREA} Cell Phone Area Code
{CELLPHONE_PRE} Cell Phone Prefix
{CELLPHONE_SUFF} Cell Phone Suffix
{EMAIL} E-Mail Address
{EMAIL2} Secondary email address - usually the work email
{FAX} Fax
{FULLADDRESS} Full Address
{ADDRESS} Street Address
{ADDRESS2} Suite, Apt, or Other Address Information
{CITY} City
{STATE} State Abbreviation
{COUNTRY} Country
{STATEFULL} State Full Spelling
{PROVINCE} Canadian Province Abbreviated
{PROVINCEFULL} Canadian Province Full Spelling
{ZIP} Zip
{POSTAL_CODE} Postal Code (Canadian)
{SSN} Social Security Number
{ENCSSN} Social Security Number Encrypted
Each is the individual digit from the contact's SSN
{SIN} Social Insurance Number
{ENCSIN} Social Insurance Number Encrypted
{DOB} Date of Birth


Credit Card Information (Credit Card tab of the Client Dashboard)
NOTE: For compliance and security reasons, CC info will be encrypted on Email Templates
{CC_NAME} Card Holder
{CC_ADDRESS} Billing Address
{CC_ADDRESS2} Billing Address 2
{CC_CITY} Billing City
{CC_STATE} Billing State
{CC_ZIP} Billing Zip
{CC_FULLADDRESS} Full Billing Address
{CC_NUM} Encrypted CC Number (**** **** **** 1234)
{CC_NUMFULL} Full CC Number
{CC_EXP} Full Expiration Date
{CC_EXP_MO} Expiration Date Month
{CC_EXP_YR} Expiration Date Year
{CC_CVV} CVV Security Code
{CC_TYPE} Type (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover)
{CC_DEBITCREDIT} Credit or Debit
CC Issuer

Credit/Finance integration Tags
The following tags will populate credit information from the most recent credit pull
{CREDITSCORE}  Credit Score
{CREDIT_SCOREFACTORS}  Score Factors (**MCR, Credmo, and TCF only)
{CREDIT_UTILIZATION}  Credit Utilization (**MCL and Credmo only)


Credit Repair Tags (Location: Accounts tab within the Client Dashboard)
Replace 'X' with the row number of the Debt. Debts are listed under the Debts tab on the Client Dashboard. Ex: {C1_CHALLENGE}
{CX_CHALLENGE} Populates the dispute reason on a specific debt. Must replace X with the Debt row number.
{CX_ACTION} Populates the dispute action/description on a specific debt. Must replace X with the Debt row number.
{DEBT_CHALLENGE_REASON} Populates the dispute reason. Must select a debt when generating the document.
{DEBT_CHALLENGE_ACTION} Populates the dispute action/description. Must select a debt when generating the document.


Custom Debt Field Tags (NOTE: Your account will have unique Custom Debt Fields not listed here. Use the instructions below to find the correct tag format.)
The formatting for Custom Debt Fields tags is {DEBTCF_XXX_XXX}. Letters should be capitalized, spaces are replaced with an underscore and special characters are removed. Examples below:


Note: Custom field tags are case-sensitive.
{CF:Name of the Field} Displays the data of the custom field
{CCF:Name of the Field} Displays the data of the co-applicant for the custom field


Debt Information
{DEBT_AMOUNT} Current Amount
{DEBT_ORIGINAL} Original Amount
{DEBT_ACCOUNTNUM} Account Number
{DEBT_SETTLEAMT} Settle Amount
{DEBT_CURRENTPMT} Current Payment
{DEBT_START_DATE} Date the debt began
{DEBT_VALID_DATE} Date the debt is valid
{DEBT_WHOS} Whose debt
{DEBT_ATTN} Attention
{DEBT_ADDRESS2} Address 2
{DEBT_PHONE} Phone Number
{DEBT_FAX} Fax Number
{DEBT_DISCDATE} Discovery Date
{DEBT_SERVDATE} Service Date
{DEBT_JUDGEDATE} Judgment Date


Debt Information
{MonthlyPayment} Average Monthly Payment (estimated by calculating balance/term)
{TOTALDEBT} Total of active debts under the 'Debts' tab on the client dashboard
{TOTALDEBT_RAW} Raw total of active debts under the 'Debts' tab on the client dashboard
{TOTAL_CURRENT_DEBT_PAYMENTS} The sum of Current Payments for all debts
{NUMDEBTS} Number of Enrolled Debts located under the Client Dashboard Debts Tab
{AVG_RATE} Average Rate of Debt
{NUM_SUMMONS} Number of Debts with a Summons Scheduled
{NUM_DEFAULTED} Number of Defaulted Debts
{TOTAL_OUT} Total sum amount of credit/fee for "outgoing" transactions. These transaction types are: ACH Credit / Fee, Client Refund, FORTH Custodial Fee, Settlement Payment, Disbursement Fee, Trust Deposit, Earned Performance Fee, Transaction Fee, FORTH Reimbursement, FORTH Transaction Fee, Advance Recoup, CFT Fee, IOLTA Credit, IOLTA Adjustment, Grouped Check, Adjustment, RAM Fee
{TOTAL_DEFAULTED} Total amount defaulted
{PayeeTotal} The sum of debt payments owed by a particular payee
{PayeePaid} Amount of debt payments made by a particular payee
{PayeeBalance} The balance owed on a debt by a particular payee
{SETTLEMENT_OFFER_INDIVIDUAL} A table with the number of payments, the amount of each payment, the remaining balance after each payment, and the date each payment will be paid.
{UNSETTLED_DEBT} Unsettled Debt
{FIRST_PAYMENT_STATUS} First Payment Transaction Status
{SECOND_PAYMENT_STATUS} Second Payment Transaction Status
{THIRD_PAYMENT_STATUS} Third Payment Transaction Status
{FOURTH_PAYMENT_STATUS} Fourth Payment Transaction Status
{LAST_PAYMENT_STATUS} Last Payment Transaction Status


Delete Tags
Delete tags populate a table with type/category and description. There are 18 tags in total, one for each credit reporting agency and challenge category.
{EXPERIAN_DEL_ADDRESS} Experian, Address
{EXPERIAN_DEL_NAMES} Experian, Names
{EXPERIAN_DEL_INQUIRY} Experian, Inquiry
{EXPERIAN_DEL_LATES} Experian, Late Payments
{EXPERIAN_DEL_COLLECTIONS} Experian, Collections, and Accounts
{EQUIFAX_DEL_ADDRESS} Equifax, Address
{EQUIFAX_DEL_NAMES} Equifax, Names
{EQUIFAX_DEL_INQUIRY} Equifax, Inquiry
{EQUIFAX_DEL_LATES} Equifax, Late Payments
{EQUIFAX_DEL_COLLECTIONS} Equifax, Collections, and Accounts
{TRANSUNION_DEL_ADDRESS} Transunion, Address
{TRANSUNION_DEL_NAMES} Transunion, Names
{TRANSUNION_DEL_INQUIRY} Transunion, Inquiry
{TRANSUNION_DEL_LATES} Transunion, Late Payments
{TRANSUNION_DEL_COLLECTIONS} Transunion, Collections, and Accounts


Event Information
NOTE: "{NEXTEVENT}" tags will not work via the "Event Scheduled" Email Trigger
{NEXTEVENT_LOCATION} Populates the next scheduled Event's location
{NEXTEVENT_DATETIME} Populates the next scheduled Event's start date and time
{NEXTEVENT_EVENTTYPE} Populates the Event type
{NEXTEVENT_ASSIGNEDTO} Populate the name of the user assigned to the Event
"Event Scheduled" Email Trigger Tags:
{EVENTTITLE} Populates the Event title
{EVENTTYPE} Populates the Event type
{EVENTDATE} Populates the Event date
{EVENTTIME} Populates the Event time
{EVENTDATETIME} Populates the Event date and time
{EVENTLOCATION} Populates the Event location
{EVENTDESC} Populates the Event description


General Purpose Tags
{FILETYPE} Contact's File-Type (Debt Settlement, Student Loans, Credit Repair...)
{NOTE} Displays the note. (This tag only populates when triggered from the "Note Deleted" or "Note Created" Email Triggers)
{LASTNOTE} Populates the last note made on the Client Dashboard
{ALLNOTES} Populates all notes made on the Client Dashboard
{ALLHISTORY} Populates a table with the History Notes from the Client Dashboard
{DATE} Date the Document was Generated
{MONTH} Month of Date the Document was Generated
{DAY} Day of Date Document was Generated
{YEAR} Year Document was Generated Date
{URL} Web Address (will be hyperlinked on Client Dashboard)
{DASHBOARD_URL} Generates a link to the Client Dashboard
{COMMENTS} Populates information saved on the system field "Comments"
{CONTACT_STATUS} Workflow Status
{CONTACT_STAGE} Workflow Stage
{ENROLLED_DATE} Date the client was Enrolled
{GRADUATED_DATE} Date Client was Graduated
{CREATED_DATE} Date the Contact was Created
{CAMPAIGN} Campaign Contact is Assigned To
{DATASOURCE} Data Source Contact Was Created From
{GATEWAY} Payment Gateway from Enrollment Details
{GATEWAY_ID} Payment Gateway ID Number from Enrollment Details
{GCS_ID} GCS ID number linked to the ForthCRM contact
{COMPANYLOGO} Populates the logo for the company from the company setup page (typically the same logo as displayed in CRM while logged in)
{INPUT} This tag will allow the e-signer to input data during the signing
{TIME_IN_STAGE} Amount of time a Client is in its current stage
{TIME_IN_STATUS} Amount of time a Client is in its current status


If Statement Tag Formatting and Examples
{if '{CF:Favorite Color}' = 'Red'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Favorite Color field is Red
{if '{CF:Favorite Color}' != 'Red'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Favorite Color field isn't Red
{if '{CF:Hardship Description}' ~= 'medical'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Hardship Description field includes the word medical
{if '{CF:Hardship Description}' ~== 'Medical'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Hardship Description field includes the word Medical (Case Sensitive)
{if '{CF:Hardship Description}' !~= 'medical'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Hardship Description field doesn't include the word medical
{if '{NUMDEBTS}' > '13'}14{endif} Populates "14" if the number of enrolled debts is greater than 13
{if '{NUMDEBTS}' < '13'}12{endif} Populates "12" if the number of enrolled debts is less than 13
{if '{CF:Holiday}' = 'Yes' && '{CF:Business Day}' = 'Yes'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Holiday field is Yes and the Business Day field is Yes
{if '{CF:Holiday}' = 'Yes' || '{CF:Business Day}' = 'Yes'}X{endif} Populates "X" if the Holiday field is Yes or the Business Day field is Yes
{if '{CF:Favorite Color}' = 'Red'}X{else}Y{endif} Populates "X" if the Favorite Color field is Red, else populates "Y"


Payment Information (Replace 'X' with payment number. Ex. {PM1}, {PM2}...)
{PMX} Payment Amount (before the client is enrolled in the program, based on enrollment schedule)
{PMX_DATE} Payment Date
{PMX_SAVINGS} Amount of Payment going to savings
{PMX_FEEX} Amount of Payment from Fee X


Payment Returned Trigger Tags
{PAYMENT_AMOUNT} Payment Amount
{RETURN_DATE} Payment Return Date
{RETURN_REASON} Return Reason


Secondary Assignment - Company Type
For the assigned Company Type you will want to use the following format:
Examples tags:  


Secondary Assignment - Role Tags
For the assigned Role you will want to use the following format:
{ROLE_SALES} Tag used when the user role is labeled "Sales"
{ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN} Tag used when the user role is labeled "Super Admin"
Role Information - (Replace "X" with the name of the Role)
{ROLE_X} Full Name of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_EMAIL} Email address of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_FAX} Fax number of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_PHONE} Phone number of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_SIGNATURE} Signature of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF1} Userfield 1 of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF2} Userfield 2 of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF3} Userfield 3 of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF4} Userfield 4 of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF5} Userfield 5 of the Secondarily Assigned User
{ROLE_X_UF6} Userfield 6 of the Secondarily Assigned User


SMS Tags
The following tags can be used in conjunction with the "SMS Received" Email Trigger to display info from the SMS that was received.
{SMS_FROM_PHONE} Displays the phone number that sent the SMS message
{SMS_BODY} Displays the content of the SMS message


Standard Income/Expense Tags
{TOTALINCOME} Total Monthly Income of the Contact
{TOTALEXPENSES} Total Monthly Expenses of the Contact
{NETINCOME} Net Monthly Income of the Contact
{RENTALINCOME} Rental Monthly Income of the Contact
{AVAILABLE} Available funds each month the Contact has for the debt settlement program
{ALIMONY} Monthly Alimony expense of the Contact
{CHILDSUPPORT} Monthly Child Support expense of the Contact
{FOOD} Monthly Food expense of the Contact - includes groceries, eating out, etc.
{HOUSEHOLD} Monthly Household expense of the Contact
{CLOTHING} Monthly Clothing expense of the Contact - includes dry cleaning
{LAUNDRY} Monthly Laundry expense of the Contact
{UTILITIES} Monthly Utility expense of the Contact - includes gas, electricity, water, scavenger, etc.
{TELEPHONE} Monthly Telephone expense of the Contact - includes home phone and cell phone
{AUTOLOANS} Monthly Auto Loan expense of the Contact
{AUTOOTHER} Monthly Auto Other expense of the Contact - includes auto repair and auto gas.
{AUTOINSURANCE} Monthly Auto Insurance expense of the Contact
{EDUCATION} Monthly Education expense of the Contact - includes tuition, books, etc.
{STUDENTLOANS} Monthly Student Loans expense of the Contact
{BACKTAXES} Monthly Back Taxes expense of the Contact
{MORTGAGE} Monthly Mortgage expense of the Contact - includes monthly rent expense if the Contact does NOT own a property
{HOMEINSURANCE} Monthly Home Insurance expense of the Contact - includes rent insurance if the Contact does NOT own a property
{LIFEINSURANCE} Monthly Life Insurance expense of the Contact
{MEDICALCARE} Monthly Medical Care expense of the Contact - includes health insurance cost
{CHILDCARE} Monthly Child Care expense of the Contact
{CABLETV} Monthly Cable/TV expense of the Contact
{CHARITY} Monthly Charity contributions of the Contact
{ENTERTAINMENT} Monthly Entertainment of the Contact - includes concert tickets, professional team sports tickets, etc.
{GYM} Monthly Gym expense of the Contact - includes health club membership
{PERSONALCARE} Monthly Personal Care of the Contact - includes hygiene products
{MISCOTHER} Monthly Misc. Other expenses of the Contact
{REMAINDER} Monthly Remainder of the Contact


Tags for use with the e-Sign system
{ESIGNED_DOCS} Documents using e-Sign to add a signature
{SIGNATURE} Places tag for the applicant to add a signature and will be required to complete signing
{INITIAL} Places tags for the applicant to initial and will be required to complete signing
{SIGNDATE} Similar to the {DATE} tag but it will use the date the document is signed by the applicant as opposed to the date the document was generated.
{COSIGNATURE} Places tag for co-applicant to add a signature and will be required to complete signing
{COINITIAL} Places tags for co-applicant to initial and will be required to complete signing
{COSIGNDATE} Similar to the {DATE} tag but it will use the date the document is signed by the co-applicant as opposed to the date the document was generated.
{OPTINITIAL} Places tag for the applicant to initial and will be NOT required to complete signing
{CHKBOX} A checkable box will appear when signing documents.
{PAGEBREAK} Breaks the page and will begin the next paragraph on the next page


Transaction Information
{TRANSX} Transaction Amount (Replace 'X' with a transaction number. Ex. {TRANS1}, {TRANS2}...) NOTE: Amount is based on the payment schedule - should be used post enrollment documents.
{TRANSX_DATE} Transaction Date (Replace 'X' with a transaction number. Ex. {TRANS1}, {TRANS2}...)
{LASTTRANS_ADDITIONAL} Last Transaction Additional Information
{LASTTRANS_AMOUNT} Last Transaction Amount
{LASTTRANS_DATE} Last Transaction Date
{LASTTRANS_MEMO} Last Transaction Memo
{NEXTPAYMENT_AMOUNT} Next Transaction Amount
{NEXTPAYMENT_DATE} Next Transaction Date
{NEXTPAYMENT_TYPE} Next Transaction Type (ACH or CC)
{NUM_PAYMENTS_MADE} The number of payments made by the contact
{NUM_PAYMENTS_LEFT} The number of scheduled payments left for contact
{SUM_PAYMENTS_CLEARED} Sum Total For all Cleared Payments
{SUM_FEES_CLEARED} Sum Total of ACH / Fee Credits Cleared
{SUM_PAYMENTS} Sum Total of Payments


User Information
**NOTE: These tags only work when sent via QuickMail and will not populate in Triggers or E-Marketing Campaigns.
{SYSTEMUSER_PHONE} User's Phone Number
{SYSTEMUSER_EXT} User's Extension
{SYSTEMUSER_SIGNATURE} User's Email Signature
{SYSTEMUSER_ROLE} User Role of the User



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