Create or Update an Advance through a Web Form or Import Data Source

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This article will cover three key topic related to advances and data sources.

  1. Create a new advance and a new contact 
  2. Create a new advance on an existing contact
  3. Update an existing advance on an existing contact 

First steps

Start by creating a Data Source.

How to create a Data Source

  1. Navigate to the Contacts tab
  2. Click the Data Source link
  3. Select between Import or Web Form 
  4. Click Save

If you plan to import a CSV file, use the Import option.

  • You must match the advance field names exactly as displayed in this article in the first row of your CSV file

If you plan to connect the data source to a webform, website, integration, etc., use the Web Form option. 

  • You may send either a GET or POST request to the "Post URL" displayed in the webform data source
  • You must match the advance field names exactly as displayed in this article in query parameters and/or request body. 


Create a new contact and advance at the same time

Simply include the two minimum required fields in your request / CSV file to create a new contact and a new advance. 

{Post URL}/?_advance_amount=10000&_advance_sellrate=1.44


Create a new advance on an existing contact

In addition to the two minimum required fields, include the updaterecord field set to a valid contact ID in your CRM. 

{Post URL}/?_advance_amount=10000&_advance_sellrate=1.44&updaterecord=123456

Note that you may also update contact data fields in the same request if the fields are mapped in the Data Source settings. 


Update an advance on an existing contact

In addition to the two minimum required fields, include the updaterecord field set to a valid contact ID in your CRM and the _advanceupdate field set to a valid Advance ID in your CRM.

{Post URL}

This will update any advance data included in the request/CSV file on the specified Advance for the specified Contact.



Please note that the following advance fields are prefixed with a single “underscore”.

Advance fields do not need to be mapped in the Data Source settings, but contact fields do. If you are creating a new contact with the advance, map the contact fields to contact fields in the Data Source settings. 

Field Name Type Required Example / Notes
_advance_amount Numeric Always required 10000.00 (Advance Amount)
_advance_sellrate Numeric Always required 1.45 (Factor Rate)
updaterecord Integer Required for existing contacts 12312532 (Contact ID)
_advanceupdate Integer Required for existing advances 423324 (Advance ID)
_advance_id String Optional Your External ID For the Record. Should be unique.
_advance_buyrate Numeric Optional  1.34 (“Broker Buy Rate”)
_advance_lienpos Integer Optional  2
_advance_remit Numeric Optional  12.4
_advance_type String Optional  (“New”,”Renewal”,”Add-On”)
_advance_num_payments Integer Optional  126
_advance_frequency String Optional  (“WD”,”W”,”M”) - Weekdays, Weekly, Monthly



1,2,3,4,5 etc
_advance_payment Numeric Optional  245.23
_advance_contract_date Date Optional  05/20/2020
_advance_contract_num String Optional  WD0204334
_advance_funding_date Date Optional  05/20/2020 If provided - the deal will be marked as "funded"
_advance_status String Optional   Pending Funding If blank - the initial/current advance status will be used
_advance_wire_num String Optional  02304239524
_advance_fee_origination Numeric Optional  195.00
_advance_fee_program Numeric Optional  50.00
_advance_fee_wire Numeric Optional  25.00
_advance_fee_other Numeric Optional  10.50
_advance_rtr_balance Numeric Optional  34500.00
_advance_acct_balance Numeric Optional  35000.00
_advance_method String Optional "CC" or "ACH"
_advance_syndication Array Optional  Array of JSON Objects (see below)


Syndicate Participation (optional)

Syndication posting requires an array of valid JSON objects for the values as follows:

[ { "name": "Centrex Demo", "amount": "90000", "serv_fee": "0", "fee_on": "PA" }, { "name": "Syndicate Company A", "amount": "10000", "serv_fee": "3.5", "fee_on": "PA" } ]



The default payee for the company will be used when adding participation via this method. Please ensure payees are added for all syndicate companies prior to adding them as syndicates to avoid system errors.

Please ensure the name of the company is provided exactly the same way as it exists in the CRM. If the company names do not match, the participant will not be added.

“fee_on” acceptable values are: (“PA” = RTR/Payback Amount, “PP” = Per Payment, and “AA” = Advance Amount) 

“serv_fee” is a percentage. A value of 3.5 would represent a 3.5% fee.


Sample post parameter with syndication string

{name:'EXACT COMPANY NAME AS IN CRM',amount:'PRINCIPAL AMOUNT',serv_fee:'3.5',fee_on:'PP'},
{name:'EXACT COMPANY NAME AS IN CRM',amount:'PRINCIPAL AMOUNT',serv_fee:'3.5',fee_on:'PP'},
{name:'EXACT COMPANY NAME AS IN CRM',amount:'PRINCIPAL AMOUNT',serv_fee:'3.5',fee_on:'PP'},
{name:'EXACT COMPANY NAME AS IN CRM',amount:'PRINCIPAL AMOUNT',serv_fee:'3.5',fee_on:'PP'}


Commissions (optional)

 Commission posting requires a valid JSON object for the values as follows:

"fixed_percent": "10.0",
"fixed_dollars": "0",
"recurring_percent": "0",
"recurring_dollars": "0",
"commission_on": "AA"


“commission_on” acceptable values are: (“AA” = Advance Amount, “PRT” = Profit, “PA” = RTR or Payback Amount, “SYN” = Participation)














Sample post with commission string



Advance Custom Fields (optional)

The field name for posting Advance Custom Fields supports 2 structures as shown below.


In the example 1432 is the numeric custom field ID that can be found inside the CRM associated with that Advance custom field.


Additionally you can pass the field name with spaces replaced with underscores and all non-alphanumeric characters removed.

IE: If you custom field name is “Deal Decline Reason” the field name for posting would be:

&_advancecf_deal_decline_reason=Your Value Here


Important Notes

If you provide the parameter “_advance_funding_date”, the system assumes the deal is funded  and will mark it accordingly. ACH drafting will be disabled  by default and will need to be enabled by a user via the interface.


If you DO NOT pass a status using the parameter “_advance_status”, the system will default the status to your “Started Advance” status as defined within the Centrex Advance Settings Page.


Properties / Objects Currently Not Supported 

  • Merchant Financials Table
  • Conditions
  • Assignments 


Example using csv import through data source


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