Email Templates

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This article was developed to describe the features provided by Email Templates within the Centrex CRM. This article contains the following topics:

Below is the Centrex Software training video on how to create email templates. 

Email template overview

Email templates can be created to be sent to contacts or system users. Email templates can be sent manually from the Client Dashboard, or sent automatically from Email Triggers and E-Marketing campaigns.

Email templates can be created within the two available editor windows, HTML and Plain Text:

  • The HTML editor acts basically the same as our Document editor under the Docs tab. You can create email templates visually in the editor, which is converted into HTML language most all email servers will be able to accept.
  • The plain text alternative is a version that will ignore any style or graphic HTML coding that some readers cannot support.
Always include a plain text version of your email in case a contact is having trouble viewing the HTML version, the information will still be able to be viewed using the plain text version.


Document Tags can be used on Email templates (both HTML and Plain Text) to automatically populate information within the email template. Some commonly used Tags are listed in the Notes/Guidelines section on the right side of the page.

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Creating an email template

  1. From the E-Marketing tab, click  > Create Email Template.
    The E-Campaign Designer opens.Ecampaign_Designer_Page_Mar2023.png
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Template Title: Name of the template as it will appear within the CRM.
    • Email Subject: Enter what you would like to appear in the subject line of the email.
    • Category: Select a category from this dropdown menu for what the email will be used for. Categories have no innate function, and are only used for sorting purposes:
      • Auto-Responders: An email sent as an automatic response to a trigger or data source posting.
      • Marketing: Used mostly in conjunction with an email campaign or can be a one-off email to the client.
      • Notification: To notify clients of changes to or milestones regarding their enrollment or can be a one-off email to clients.
      • Trigger: Used internally or externally to notify users or clients of system events or changes to their client's status.
    • Shared With: Allows the ability to use, view, and edit templates with other users, depending on permissions. 
    • Add Attachments: Attach a file to this template that will automatically send with the email. See our article Adding Attachments to Email Templates for instructions.

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Article Version History: 

Version Effective Date Description
Basic 12/26/2016 Initial Release
0.1 10/05/2022 Minor Grammatical Updates
0.2 03/21/2023 Added header and version control footer; refreshed screenshot to reflect current user interface.


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