This article was developed to describe the setup and use of an External Form within Centrex CRM. External Forms can be sent directly to a client via email from the Client Dashboard. Once a client completes the External Form request, the information that the client input into the form is automatically updated in the contact in the CRM.
This article includes the following topics:
Setting up an external form
- From the Contacts tab, click Custom Fields.
- Click Form Builder in the Navigation Bar.
- Do one of the following:
Create A New Form: Create an entirely new form and then click the small white checkmark
Edit An Existing Form: Edit an existing form listed in the dropdown menu (to turn it into an External Form).
Create A New Form: Create an entirely new form and then click the small white checkmark
- Configure or edit your form as desired.
- Once you are finished, select the External Form checkbox and then click Save Form. This will turn your form into an external form, allowing it to be sent directly to a client via the Client Dashboard.
- Customize the following settings to display how the form appears to the client in the External Form section and then click Save Form (click to enlarge image):
- Disregard Completed Fields: When checked, fields already filled in on the CRM side will be omitted from the form, preventing the client from changing that information.
- NSLDS File Upload: When checked, an option to upload the NSLDS My Student Data File will be added to the bottom of the External Form Request.
- Required: Select this checkbox to require the client to upload an NSLDS file in order to complete the External Form request.
- Available for sending via SMS: Select this checkbox to make this form available for sending out via SMS.
- Display Title: The title of the form.
- Sub-Header: Description of the form.
- Domain: what domain is to be used for the form to display on?
- Disclaimer: is a note that appears on the bottom of the form.
- Email Subject: The email subject that the client will see in their email inbox.
- Email Body: The email body that the client will see in the email.
- SMS Body: The SMS message body that the client will in the text/SMS message.
- From Address: Designates the "From" email address that the recipient receives the External Form Request from. If left blank, the system will automatically use
- Link Label: Customize the text on the link button that the recipient clicks on to complete the form.
- Updated Logo: Customize the logo to be used.
- Company Logo: Select from the dropdown menu options.
- Contacts Company Type Logo: Select from a list of companies under this account.
- Default Logo: Check this box to make the selected logo the default logo.
- Theme Color: Assign the color of the theme to be used on the external form.
- Require Signature: This will include a mouse signature box at the bottom of the page. The client will have to sign the form in order to complete the External Form request.
- Password Protect: This will install password protection for this form.
- In the Request Documents section, do the following as needed:
- Document Title: Name of the document that is being requested.
- Document Type: The type of document that is being requested from the dropdown menu.
- Req*: Checking this box requires the client to upload this document before completing the External Form request.
Allow Multiple: When checked, allows for uploading multiple versions or types of documents at one time.
- When finished configuring the External Form settings, click Save Form.
Sending an external form
- From the contact's Client Dashboard, click Send External Form Request.
The Send External Form Request window opens. - Select the appropriate form from the dropdown menu (see above right).
- Click the Send Request button (see above left).
Including payment options
External forms can include requests to obtain payment information (i.e. credit card details, bank account information).
- Begin with steps 1-4 in the Setting up an External Form instructions.
- Start typing "comp" (for components) in the Add Fields To Form search box.
- Select the components you want to add.
- Select the group you want the fields to be displayed in from the Field Group menu.
- Click Add Fields.
Once you are finished, select the External Form checkbox and then click Save Form. This will turn your form into an external form, allowing it to be sent directly to a client via the Client Dashboard.
The client will receive an email that contains the following fields based on your selections.
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