Task Triggers

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This article was developed to describe the "Task Triggers" functionality and how to use it.

Task Triggers function similarly to Email Triggers in the sense that task creation is triggered by system events.

You need to set up the task settings and task items before you can configure the triggers.
  1. From the Calendar tab, click Tasks.
  2. The Tasks page opens. Scroll down the page, and click Task Triggers in the left-hand panel.
  3. The Task Items page opens. 
    On the Trigger Task page you will find a mostly blank screen except for a dropdown menu located on the navigation bar. This drop box lists all system events that can be used to trigger a task to be created.
  4. Select a system event from the dropdown menu.
    Selecting Status Change or similar triggers will cause a secondary dropdown menu to appear where a specific status or task needs to be selected.

  5. Once you have selected a system event for your task creation to be triggered, you will be given a series of drop-downs to further specify when you want the task created.
  6. Select any of the following:
    • File Type: This can limit the task being created to contacts with a specific file type only.
    • Company: This can limit the task being created to contacts with a specific company only.
    • Task or Task Group: Select either a Task or Task Group.
      If selecting a task, leave the Task Group box blank. If selecting a Task Group, leave the Task box blank, as the system will create triggers for each task in that group.
    • Assigned to: Sets who the task is being assigned to.
    • Due Date: Sets the due date equal to the # of days in the future, from the date the task is created.
  7. Once set up, click Save.

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