This article was developed to describe the Accounting Reports provided by the Centrex CRM.
Accounting Reports differ from other reporting tools within the CRM as they are based on transactions and not contacts. You can use these reports to keep track of transactions and view reports displaying information for reports of daily, weekly, or monthly transactions. Below some information is provided on the two (2) parts of building a report; Filtering (what transactions are included in the report) and Fields To Show On Report (what data is displayed in columns when viewing the report).
Start by going to the Accounting tab and clicking on "Create New Report" from the navigation bar.
or to edit an existing report, click on the report title on the left side menu, then click "Customize" to be taken to the edit report screen.
You can export the table in its current view by clicking the Export Current View button or you can export the entire table by clicking the Export Full Report button. An email is sent to the user which includes a link to the full report in the CRM. Additionally, the report can be located in the Reports tab, under My Exports. It remains there for seven (7) days and then is automatically deleted from the system.
Report Filters
Filters (displayed on the center-left side of the edit page) set conditions for a transaction to appear on the report you are building. It is best practice to start with as few filters as possible and then add more as needed. This will prevent you from adding too many filters and causing the report to display a blank table. Suggested Report filters will be included below the explanation of the different filters.
File Type - File Type of contacts the transactions are from. It would not be necessary to use this if you operate using a single file type.
Custodial Account - Payment Gateway transactions are set to process with. i.e. ForthPay, NMI,, etc...
Account - Filter Account, may only see one option.
Created By - Transactions from contacts Created By the user selected.
Assigned To User - Transactions from contacts Assigned To the user selected.
Assigned To Users Of Team - Transactions from contacts Assigned To users on the Team selected.
Assigned Company - Transactions from Contacts assigned to the company selected.
Law Firm - Transactions from Contacts assigned to the Law Firm company selected.
Lead Vendor - Transactions from Contacts assigned to the Lead Vendor company selected.
Partner - Transactions from Contacts assigned to the Partner company selected.
Assigned Attorney - Transactions from Contacts assigned to the Attorney selected.
Paid To - The payee of the "ACH Credit / Fee" transactions are set to process to.
Active - Define if Active or Non-Active Transactions are included.
Process Date - Filters Transactions by the process date regardless of transaction status.
Return Date - Filters Transactions by Return Date, if a transaction has been Returned.
Cleared Date - Filters Transactions by Cleared Date, if a transaction has been Cleared.
Show - Allows you to filter by whether the transaction has been processed.
Type - Filters by Type of Transaction.
Sub Type - Filters by Transaction Sub-Type.
Status - Filters by Transaction Status.
Memo - Allows you to filter by predefined transaction memos. Find more about transaction memos here.
Program - Filters transactions of contacts by the used Enrollment Plan.
Data Source - Allows you to filter by a predetermined data source.
Campaigns - Allows you to filter by predetermined campaigns.
Comp Template - Allows you to filter by predefined compensation template(s).
Payment Num - Allows you to filter by the payment number or a number range. You can enter a single number to see all of a specific numbered transaction; "1" to see all of the first payments. Also, a range can be entered to see transactions within a payment number range; "1-3" to see payments 1 thru 3.
Exclude Paused Clients - Exclude Clients currently Paused from reports. You may choose this to exclude clients who are currently "Paused" since their payments will not be processed/collected until payments are resumed.
Exclude Cancelled Clients - Excludes Clients whose enrollment has been canceled. You may wish to exclude these clients from reports because you wish to only see Enrolled / Active clients' transactions.
Exclude Hold Clients - Excludes Clients currently on a gateway hold with ForthPay. You may not wish to include these clients as their payments will not process while on a processing hold.
Exclude Graduated Clients - Excludes Clients who have graduated from the program.
Was Enrolled - Allows you to filter by whether the client was enrolled in a program.
Examples of Suggested Filters
Future Transactions - The suggested filters will display a report with transactions that will process in a future time frame.
- Process Date = Select the appropriate date range; "Next Month", "Next Week", "Next 30 Day", "Next..."; this means the report will display transactions where the process date falls within the range selected.
- Exclude Paused Clients = 'Checked' - Since "Paused" clients will not have payments processed we should exclude these until they have been resumed and are actively making payments.
- Exclude Hold Clients = 'Checked' - If processing using ForthPay, you will want to exclude contacts still on a processing hold from this report since their payments will not process until the hold is lifted.
Returned Transactions - The suggested filters will display a report containing transactions returned in a specific Date Range. This report is based on the actual date the transaction was returned.
- Returned Date = Select the appropriate date range; "Next Month", "Next Week", "Next 30 Day", "Next..."; this means the report will display transactions where the return date falls within the range selected.
Processed Transactions that have been Returned - The suggested filters will display a report containing transactions processed in a specific Date Range but then returned on a later date. Since the Process Date and Return Date can differ when building a report to display everything that was processed last week and are returned. If you filter simply by the return date you could miss transactions that were processed last week but returned this week.
- Process Date = Select the appropriate date range; "Next Month", "Next Week", "Next 30 Day", "Next..."; this means the report will display transactions where the Process Date falls within the range selected.
- Status = Returned / NSF - This will make sure only transactions processed last week that were updated with the status "Returned / NSF".
Cleared Transactions - The suggested filters will display a report containing transactions cleared in a specific Date Range. This report is based on the actual date the transaction was cleared.
- Cleared Date = Select the appropriate date range; "Next Month", "Next Week", "Next 30 Day", "Next..."; this means the report will display transactions where the cleared date falls within the range selected.
Processed Transactions that have been Cleared - The suggested filters will display a report containing transactions processed in a specific Date Range but then cleared on a later date. For example, since the Process Date and Cleared Date can differ and you want a report that shows you everything that was processed last week and then cleared. If you filter simply by the cleared date you could miss transactions that were processed last week but cleared this week.
- Process Date = Select the appropriate date range; "Next Month", "Next Week", "Next 30 Day", "Next..."; this means the report will display transactions where the Process Date falls within the range selected.
- Status = Cleared - This will make sure only transactions processed last week that were updated to the status "Cleared"
Fields To Show On Report
Located on the right side of the report edit screen you will find the "Fields To Show On Report". These are the data columns that will appear when viewing the report. To add a field simply check the box designating the field and then drag it in place to order them; starting from the top down the field columns will appear from left to right. In the example pictured to the right, we are displaying the Full Name, Assigned To, Status, Amount, Process Date, Trans ID, and Trans Type. They will be displayed in that order left to right with "Full Name" as the left-most column.
*Notice the "Amount" field was set in position 4, as the 4th column; this was done intentionally. When this field is placed as the fourth column, it will be totaled and displayed as the "Transaction Total", under the report title pictured below.
You may save any changes to this report by clicking the "Save Report" button found at the top right of the page; You may also save this as a new report by clicking the "Save as New" button, or you may delete this report by clicking the red "Delete Report" button, also found at the top right of the page.