Summaries Report

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This article was developed to describe the Summaries page, found via the Accounting module/tab. The article is broken down into the following sections:



The Summaries page is used when you are looking for a quick one-time report based on specific payment information. If you plan on using this report regularly, we suggest creating its own report in the Accounting tab.

Begin by logging in to the CRM, click on the Accounting tab, and then "Summaries" in the Navigation Bar (see the image above).

Using the Summaries Report


  1. INCLUDE TRANS TYPES: Un-checking any of these payment type checkboxes will exclude that transaction type from displaying on this report.
  2. If one of the checked transaction types has payments that have been processed using that transaction type, then each individual transaction type will display its totals separately per day on this report.

Configuring Filters:


  1. File Type: You can filter out by different file types that contacts are assigned to.
  2. Date Field: This will filter out transaction information based on specific payment processing dates. Process Date will filter out transactions based on the transactions process dates that you have specified in the start date and end date filter boxes. Cleared Date will filter out transactions based on the transactions cleared date that you have specified in the start date and end date filter boxes. Enrolled Date will filter out transactions based on the contact's enrolled date that is set in the start date and end date filter boxes. Submitted Date will filter out transactions based on the contact's submitted date that is specified in the start date and end date filter boxes.
  3. Report Type: Selecting a Report Type will configure how the report displays its transaction information per report type. This information will be displayed in the second column of each report.
  4. First Group: Designates the field by which the system will be grouping the data. Accounting Summaries can only be grouped by Timeframe or by Report Type.
  5. Time Period: This will determine how this report breaks up the payment information per day, week, month, or quarter.
  6. Range Selector: This will allow you to pick preset date configurations.
  7. Start / End: Leaving the Range Selector drop-down as select and clicking on the Start Date and End Date filter boxes will allow you to input custom date ranges of your choosing.

Report Columns:


  • Column 1: This is going to display the information that is specified in the Date Field drop-down filter box.
  • Column 2: This is going to display the information that is specified in the Report Type drop-down.
  • All: This will display ALL transactions scheduled for the specified date range.
  • Open: This will display any transaction currently in the open status.
  • Returned / NSF: This will display ALL transactions that have been Returned / NSF'd for the specified date range.
  • Low Balance: This column indicates the current available balance is not projected to be enough funds to cover the current transaction at that time. 
  • Cancel: This will display ALL transactions that have been canceled.
  • Cleared: This will display ALL transactions that have been cleared.
  • Total: The total amounts for each column will display at the bottom of each day, week, month or quarter.
  • Export CSV: Click here to download the data into a CSV spreadsheet.

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