This article was developed to explain how to search for and utilize the System Usage reporting feature within the CRM. It is broken down into the following sections:
To access this functionality, log in to the CRM and click on the Admin tab. Next, click on Usage from the Navigation Bar (see red highlight below).
User Usage
The User Usage panel allows Administrators to view the number of Logins of users in the Centrex system.
User Usage Reporting
- Administrators can create report details regarding usage via Company, date ranges, or via a canned reporting range selector system. The range selector system allows for quick reporting via a dropdown menu. The options available via the Range Selector are shown in the image below:
- Additionally, reports can be exported in .CSV format for use in other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This can be performed by clicking the "Export to CSV" hyperlink, located just under the "Company" dropdown menu.
E-Sign Usage
E-Sign Usage Reporting
- Similar to the User Usage panel, the E-Sign Usage panel allows Administrators to view the e-sign usage of users in the Centrex system. Dynamic reporting is also available in this panel and functions similarly to the reporting tools found in the User Usage panel. Additionally, reports can be exported in .CSV format for use in other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
User Logins
User Logins
- The User Logins panel captures and stores the IP addresses of users when a login to the Centrex system occurs. A dynamic and robust reporting capability is also available in this panel. Additionally, reports can be exported in .CSV format for use in other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
Page Views
Page View Reporting
- The Page Views panel depicts pages viewed from inside the Centrex system by users. The interface illustrates the Page Title, User, and Company as well as a time-stamp for all users. As is standard for Centrex, dynamic reporting is also available from this panel. Additionally, reports can be exported in .CSV format for use in other applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
Billing Policy
Centrex's Billing Policy can be viewed by clicking the Billing Policy tab inside the Usage page of your Centrex CRM account.