Company Types

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This article was developed to describe how to add and assign the various company types established in the CRM.

Company types are used for labeling, with the exception of "external company" which shows the logo and company information that a client sees in their client portal. In addition, using company-type assignments grants enrollment visibility.

This article is broken down into the following sections:


Enabling Company Addition and Assignment

To have access to manage the listing of company types, begin by going to the Admin tab, and clicking "Roles" from the Navigation Bar. Select the role that you wish to have this access granted to from the dropdown menu located at the top left of the page (see below). Admin_Tab_to_Roles_to_Select_Role.png

Next, scroll down to the Admin section, and ensure that the checkbox next to the entry titled, "Manage Company Types" is selected (see below). Admin_Tab_to_Company_Types.png

Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click "Save" in the Navigation Bar.


NOTE: By changing the dropdown menu option, certain checkboxes may be already selected according to the category chosen.

Default Company Type List

Below is a description of the default Company Types offered within the CRM for your reference.

  • Independent Sales Office
  • Law Firm
  • Lead Vendor
  • Marketing Company
  • Partner
  • Servicing Company
  • Vendor


Adding Company Types

Go to the Admin tab, and select "Companies" from the Navigation Bar. 


After selecting "Manage Company Types" from the Navigation Bar, the following dialog box will open. 


This dialog box allows you to create additional company types for exclusive use within your account. To add a new type, click the "Add a Company Type" button on the lower left (see the image above). To delete a particular company type, click the white dash in a red circle next to the listing you wish to delete.

NOTE: If the company type is one that is currently in use, or otherwise "un-deletable", you should receive a warning dialog box like the one shown below.


The company types that you create here will be available in the CRM when you create a new company as seen below:


All other Company Types are created by clients themselves and are for use within their account only.


Assigning Company Types

Click on the Enrollments Tab, and select "Settings" from the Navigation Bar.


After clicking "Settings", a page similar to the one shown here will open.


Scroll down until you get to the section titled, "Company Assignments Settings" (see below). 


For each company type, listed you can assign a company associated with your client by clicking the checkbox next to the relevant company type, and then selecting the assignment via the dropdown menu (shown below).


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