IP Whitelisting

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This article addresses IP Whitelisting, an Enhancement for our CRM, that allows the control of User login access based on IP Address. This article is divided into the following sections:

Adding IP Whitelisting to Centrex CRM

To use IP Whitelisting, you need to sign up for the IP Whitelisting Enhancement. If you have not and are interested, please contact Sales@centrexsoftware.com or call (630) 394-6260. Once the IP Whitelisting Enhancement is activated for your CRM, you will then have access to the IP Whitelisting Settings page, which is accessible via the Admin tab > Settings > Access Control (see image below).



Editing IP Whitelisting Settings

After clicking the "IP Whitelisting" option, a screen like the one shown below should appear with the option deactivated:


Use the sliding button at the top of the page to activate this feature. Once you activate this feature, the page will change to show the image seen below.


Under the "Users" subtab (see above), the client can use the fields shown to select users whom they wish to grant the ability to log in to the system from any IP Address.


Under the "IP Addresses and CIDR Blocks" section (see above), your client can input an IP Address (for example - 195.55.555.555 or, along with a Comment (description of the IP Address), and the system will prevent users from logging in if they are not logging in from that IP address. To add additional IP Addresses or CIDR Blocks, click the gray "Add IP’s" button.

IMPORTANT: Only input valid public IP Addresses.


Under the "Whitelisted Companies" section (see above), the client can use the “Companies that can login regardless of their IP Address” field to select a particular company (or companies) that they wish to grant the ability to login to the system from any IP Address. The client may also search the “Company” field (under the “Whitelisted Companies” section) to search for companies already whitelisted.  

NOTE: It is best practice to Whitelist the CRM owner, or at least 1 Super Admin User. If all other Users become locked out for any reason, this User would still be capable of logging in and modifying the IP Whitelisting Settings. Otherwise, you would have to contact support@centrexsoftware.com; depending on if you have paid for an upgraded SLA it may take the support staff up to 24 hours (business days only) to update your IP address.


Discover your IP Address

To find your IP address, we suggest that you go to Google and search the term "What is my IP address?". Google should display the IP address you are currently located on. Depending on how your office is set up, everyone should be on the same IP Address, but it is possible you are operating with more than one. Check with your IT department if this is the case.


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