Adding and Editing Users

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This article is provided to describe the process of adding and editing users in the Centrex CRM system. This article is broken down into the following sections:

Initially, when viewing the Admin Tab, you will find a table with the active users for the account. Users from the parent company should see all the active users (including affiliate company users), affiliates would only see their users and users from companies below them in the company hierarchy. Please see our article on company hierarchy for more information here.

Adding a User

Click on the link "Add User" from the navigation bar to start creating a new user.
First, select whether the User Type is "Standard" or "Service". Next enter the username, this must be unique to your account, you will not be able to reuse usernames if one already exists. Then enter a temporary password; in the following steps, you will send login information and require a new password to be created on the next login. Finally, select the company the user should be assigned under. Click the "Save User" button at the bottom to transition to the user edit page to finish the setup. 

Contact Information

Now you will be taken to the user edit screen to add some additional information before the user is able to log in. Start by adding contact information. Make sure to include the full first and last name and email address of the user, this information is what is displayed when viewing the user name or email address. 

Outgoing Mail Settings (SMTP)

If your organization utilizes a private email server you wish to have an email sent via, enter the user's SMTP setting here. If no information is entered here users will still be able to send emails from within the CRM however the email will travel thru our hosted email server. You may want to update your DNS records to authorize the CRM to send email as your domain. Please see our article on updating the DNS record here.

Custom Fields

User 'Custom Fields' are data points where you can enter information for that specific user. It can then be displayed or accessed using the tags {ASSUF1}, {ASSUF2}, {ASSUF3} and so on. You may use these to display information on an email or document template or as part of a Webhook.

Shared User Data

Shared User Data refers to the ability for a user to see other users' information, like assigned contacts, calendar events, Tasks, etc. Lower-level users will probably not have anything highlighted here but higher-level users who need to have access to other users' data should have something highlighted here. Admin users most likely should have "--Everyone--" selected whereas a manager of a team should only have the users they manage highlighted. To highlight more than one option, hold down the 'CTRL' button while clicking on the options.

Shared Enrollment Plans

The Shared Enrollment Plans options can be used to override the shared setting for the enrollment plans or as a way to add plans for a user who may need access to plans not normally shared with that user role.

User Login Information

Now that we have entered all the information for the user, we can add the final items and send the login information via email and require the user to create a unique password when they log in next. Double check the username is set as you wish, and re-enter the temporary password (does not need to be the same as initially entered if you've forgotten). Now select the user role, this will define what permissions the user will have access to. Reports To can be set to another user they will be 'Reporting To". "Is Attorney?" should be checked if the user is an attorney in relation to debt settlement programs.

If you do not operate in the debt settlement fields this should be left unchecked. Finally, check the boxes for "Require Password Change At Next Login" and "Email Login Info". With these checked once saved the system will email the user (from the contact information section) with their username, password, and login URL for the account. Once they initially log in, they will be prompted to enter a new unique password.

Edit an Existing User

To edit any of the settings displayed above on an existing user, simply go to the Admin tab to see the user table and click the green arrow at the end of the row for the corresponding user.


When contacting our Support Team for assistance, it is our policy that adding or editing Users is the responsibility of the account administrators. We will provide instructions or guidance as necessary, but any changes made to your system in regard to Users must be made by an authorized administrator of your CRM. This allows for the number of active (billable) Users, as well as their Role permissions or contact access, to be under your control at all times.

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