This article was developed to review what roles do within the CRM. This functionality can be accessed via the Admin Tab and then going to the Roles page. This article is divided into the following sections:
Roles define the user permissions or abilities in the system. Depending on the settings administered here the user will have access to varying information or functionality within the CRM.
Create New
Below the navigation bar, you will find empty input fields for some items to create a new Role.
- Role Name - Input the name as you would like it to appear when referenced throughout the CRM.
- Parent Role - Selecting another role here will make that role the level above the one you are creating or editing, this can be used to help define company hierarchy.
- Default Notes Type - Set the default type of note a role will use; a user can always select another note type when entering.
- Assignable - This allows you to assign a user to contacts secondarily by role.
Edit Existing
On the navigation bar of the Roles page, you will find a dropdown menu listing the current existing Roles. To edit, you would select the Role from the dropdown menu and click the edit button directly to the right (see red highlighted area below).
After editing the role, click Save. You may also delete but be aware that you will not be able to recover the lost parameters.
Modules / Permissions
For each role, you will want to activate the Tab (left-most column) and then activate permissions for functionality within that tab. In the example pictured below, we are viewing the permissions for a user under the contacts tab. We have the Contacts Tab activated (box checked), and then we have a series of permissions enabled within the Contacts Tab. You will want to review the different permissions and decide if the users with that role should have access to them.
In the image below, we are giving this user access to "Add Notes" but not "Delete Notes". You likely want to provide access to create data in the CRM for lower-level users, but limit who can delete information to higher-level admin users.
*Note: We do not list all the available permissions here as we update or change them regularly. If you have questions about any permissions please email