Data Suppression

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This article was developed to describe how to apply data suppression within the Centrex CRM system.

Data Suppression can be used to block information for users that the profile applies. You may use this in conjunction with user roles so users are only able to access information required to fulfill their function. 

Begin by logging in to the CRM and clicking the Admin tab. Click "Roles" from the Navigation Bar, and then select "Field Level Permissions" in the Navigation Bar.

Now, either enter a title to create a new Suppression Profile or select an existing profile to edit.

Selecting Fields to Suppress

First, select the data you wish to suppress. In the example below, we are suppressing information from two sections. First, we are suppressing tabs on the Client Dashboard; the Credit Card and Bank Account Tabs. Second, we are suppressing the Social Security Number (SSN) standard field; this will omit the SSN for the users that the profile applies to.

Suppression Groups 

NOTE: Depending on your role, additional or fewer suppression groups may be available to you.

  • Client Dashboard - Applies to the Client Dashboard Tabs.
  • Standard Fields - Omits the selected Standard Fields from being displayed.
  • Custom Fields - Omits the selected Custom Fields from being displayed.
  • Enrollment Reports - Omits data on Enrollment Reports.
  • Transaction Types - Suppresses the selected transaction types from appearing in accounting reports, on the enrollments tab, and on the enrollment details pages.
  • Accounting Reports - Omits data on Accounting Reports.
  • Assignments - Omits Secondary Assignments from being visible on the contact.
  • Client History - Omits the History types selected from appearing on the client dashboard history tab.
  • Note Types - Omits the selected Note Types from being displayed in the Client Dashboard.
  • Event Types - Omits the selected Event Types from displaying under the Client Dashboard Events Tab.
  • Documents - Omits selected sections under the Client Dashboard's Doc Tab.
  • Stage/Status Types - The data suppression feature only suppresses the options from the dropdown when selecting a workflow status. It does not suppress the current workflow status from displaying on the client dashboard.

*Individual data points are not covered here due to frequent changes to the Suppression Profiles. For more information regarding these please submit a public question to support.

Applies To

Select the Companies, Roles, or Users that the suppression profile will apply. These are the users for whom data will be suppressed. Each group is mutually exclusive, meaning selections in the different groups will not affect each other.

For example, if a company is selected the profile will apply to all users in that company regardless of permissions or other selections the suppression profile applies to. If you select a Company and User Role on the profile, it will suppress data for everyone from the Company and everyone using that Role; it does not mean only users with that role from that particular company applies.

In the example displayed to the right we are applying the suppression profile to users with the roles "Lead Vendor" and "Sales". Everyone with those roles will not be able to access or view the data we have suppressed. 

After Saving the Profile

Once you have saved the profile, the suppression will be applied for the affected users the next time they log in. If users are logged in while the changes are being made, you will not yet find the data suppressed; users will need to log out and back in again for the suppression to apply.

IMPORTANT: After you have created a new profile, if you decide that you wish to delete it, a "Delete Profile" button will be located to the right of the "Save Profile" button located just under the "Users" dropdown selection.

NOTE: If you wish to create a new profile from this page, a "New Profile" button is available at the top left of the Data Suppression page, above the "Profile Title" text field.


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